Before you initiate your next landscaping project, take a step back and think about the numerous things that are affected by the exterior and surrounding grounds of your office, campus, or industrial facility. Do you just want a beautiful exterior, or is there more to it than that? Have you thought about maintenance costs? Are there any local or neighborhood themes you might want to keep in mind when choosing the design and landscape style that you want to go with? What about solar energy installations, wind currents, changes in temperature throughout the day, and their combined effect on interior temperatures and ambiance?

Good landscaping is more than just creating a breathtaking exterior vista and having an unplanned sea of greenery outside your building. In fact, getting just the right look within a set budget to meet customer specifications as well as legal regulations requires experience in the art of landscaping, the science of horticulture, and an understanding of thermodynamics and energy consumption.

Consider the following points before initiating your next landscaping project:


What kind of look are you going for? Do you need an exterior that is clean and simple, or do you prefer one that has a lot of lush and green undergrowth? Having too few plant varieties may give visitors a sense of something missing, but having too many risks looking unnatural as well. There are even specific types of plants that go well on building facades that you can choose from, and others that go well on columns and beams. The same goes for those that look great at entrances and exits.


What is your maintenance budget? Do you want flowering plants, perennials, or simple cobblestone and cement? You can do things however you wish, but remember that planting native species of plants will lower costs in the long run while saving you on regular horticultural visits as well, while doing away with variety and sticking only to basic stone work has benefits and drawbacks of its own.

Parking and Zoning:

What kind of demarcations do you need? Are there any islands on the property, or dedicated strips with different trees and shrubs that need to be taken into consideration? What are the water, soil erosion, and water run-off rules in your area?

Once you have an idea of the different things that will affect your landscaping choices, think about what you want. Do you need a play area for children?  Do you want your exterior landscape to be fun, friendly, and inviting, or perhaps formal or minimalist? Think about what a dream exterior would look like, and we’ll help you take one measured step at a time to bring your dream to life.

Think about what and where the focal point of your grounds will be. Every exterior has a focal point or a series of focal points, such as a sculpture or perhaps a stunning plant, a tree, or a strip of shrubs. The eyes of your visitors should be drawn first to the focal point or points that you have set up around your grounds, and then beyond.

Our team at Proleaf Commercial Landscape are dedicated specialists servicing the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We have proven experience and a track record of success in helping clients design, develop, and maintain cost-effective, environmental-friendly, and aesthetically-pleasing landscaping designs. Call us today for a cost estimate and to learn more about how we can improve the look and function of your office, facility, or commercial property.